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  • Eva Loren

Beauty & The Beast

The following blog was an entry that I wrote some time ago, but had been lost along with my old website. As I reflect on my experience, I find that the sentiment still hold true. Hope you enjoy!

One question I am often asked is “What do you do if someone comes to see you and he’s unattractive or extremely overweight, or in some other way, not physically appealing?” I found this YouTube video below {unfortunately the video referenced is no longer available}, by a male gigolo that sums up the difference between the way men view women, as opposed to the way women view men. For the most part, I do agree with his take. I have found that I do enjoy men of all sizes, shapes, and colors. I’m addicted to them! Here’s a little more insight into my journey into discovering my love of men.

Before becoming a provider, I was in my mid 20’s when I had my first experience with an older man. I was at a networking event where I met a gentleman who was in his early 50’s. He asked me out to dinner. I was intrigued. I’d dated men about 5-7 years older than me before, but this would be different. So I accepted his offer. We went out a few times, and then he invited me to accompany him on a trip to Chicago to celebrate New Year’s. He took me shopping and bought me new clothes to wear for the trip and a beautiful dress to wear to the New Year’s Eve party. It was all very nice and I had never had anyone do those kinds of things for me. Then came the time when I knew he had some ‘expectations’. I knew it would come and wasn’t sure what I would do. He was an attractive gentleman, so that wasn’t a problem. I just had never experienced someone that much older and wasn’t sure what he might expect of me. Well, after the party we returned to our room and got comfortable. We decided to get some rest first. That’s when he brought it out. It was this machine that had tubes, a face mask, and made all kinds of noise. It freaked me out! I thought to myself, “This guy might die if we’re intimate!” So I froze up. I slept as far on the other side of the bed as I could. After returning home, maintained friendly contact with him, but that was it.

Later I learned that it was just a C-Pap machine, that is used for sleep apnea to help regulate breathing while sleep. I realized that they aren’t something that was as scary as I imagined. Although that experience freaked me out at first, it did plant a seed. I learned that older men have typically matured in areas that 20-something guys had not. That appealed to me.

Several years later, someone planted the idea of escorting in my head. I wasn’t sure if I could do it. What would it be like to be with a stranger? What if I wasn’t physically attracted to the guy? I had to test myself. So I responded to a Craigslist ad, “Generous, Professional WM seeking someone to spoil….” We exchanged a few emails and agreed to meet. I met him at the bar in the hotel where he was staying. He was white, maybe mid-40’s, average build. We had a couple drinks, and then went up to his room. We had a great time, I collected my spoils, and was on my way. The moment I left, I was hooked. I knew I could do it. I had a good time with that man even though he wasn’t someone who I normally would have been attracted to.

That experience was the beginning of my career as a companion. Throughout the time I have entered this world, I have had the honor of meeting a variety of men. Most of them older, some of them younger, some tall, some short, some overweight, some very skinny, some with a limp, even one in a wheelchair. I've also had a variety in between. What I have discovered is there is something about each one of them that I have truly enjoyed. I am truly fortunate that I tend to attract gentlemen that are respectful and courteous. I have not had some of the horror stories that I have heard other ladies complain about (knock on wood). The men I have met have treated me very well. I am truly spoiled! That is what makes the difference in the way women look at men. That is why regardless of a man’s appearance I can still find something attractive about him and still enjoy myself while being with him.

I feel really good when a gentleman, who is typically insecure for some reason or another, or maybe socially awkward, relaxes in my company. When they realize they are in a judgment free zone and its ok for them to just be whoever they are. Sometimes this occurs over time, as they see me on a recurring basis, they tend to unwind more. I love to see the transformation and know that maybe, somehow I played a part in helping him being comfortable in his own skin. Even if it’s just for a little while.

So, to answer that question, “What do you do when a guy is fat, ugly, old,…..?” I greet him with a big hug and kiss and treat him just the way I would any other gentleman I have the honor of enjoying their company.

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